There's a new style system in town

The Scandi style system that makes you dive into your closet and come out again looking like a Nordic Goddess*

*) a Nordic Goddess that does chores, pets cats and is next in line for a promotion at work
Dress for the change you want to happen in your life.
Get ready for the next chapter in your life by writing it yourself, using clothes and accessories instead of pen and paper.
Know your true style, with the Scandinavian Style Formula to guide you.
What you wear is a spot-on barometer of how you view yourself and your life. If you want to turn your life around, start with your wardrobe. And through getting to know your true style, you get a clear idea of how to create the perfect wardrobe for you.

You don't need new clothes.
You need a fresh, new Scandinavian approach to make your clothes look great together.
Sign up now and transform your wardrobe, in just 3 minutes a day!

It’s time to look at your wardrobe from a different angle, with a fresh, simple, Scandinavian approach.
Because you still wish to be visible after 50.
Because to land that interview for the dream job, you need a wardrobe that feels like adding vanilla ice cream to Coca-Cola, not one that makes you feel like the can of opened orange pop that was forgotten in the car after the picnic.
And you can put the fizz back into dressing!
But it doesn’t have to start by culling your wardrobe. It can start from a completely different angle.

About Jorunn
Personal Colour Analyst based in Fitjar & Oslo, Norway, and occasionally London, UK
Founder of Nordic Simplicity and Scandinavian Style Academy™
Co-host with Christine Scaman at the Chrysalis Colour Analysis Podcast
Jorunn has a Samoyed called Nanuk, a sourdough named Sébastien, and will avoid social settings with more than three people but can be lured out with snacks and the promise to talk about books.
Dress with Scandinavian finesse

If you want to feel quietly fabulous, this NEW 2-week email series will help you unravel the mystery of dressing with subtle sophistication without turning into a fashion fox. It’s 100% FREE – you’ll be quietly fabulous before you know it!
From Personal Colour Analyst, Wardrobe Enthusiast and founder of Nordic Simplicity, Jorunn Hernes. Unsubscribe anytime.